Local Cultural Values and Projects of Economic Development Detail Buku
Judul Buku : Local Cultural Values and Projects of Economic Development
Pengarang : Ntibagirirwa, Symphorien
Penerbit : Globethics.net
Tahun : 2016
Deskripsi : The centre of this reflection is the link between local cultural values and projects of economic development in light of Sen’s capability approach. I argue that what people believe and value facilitate the passage from the universal conception of economic development to the feasibility of development at the local level. This mediation could be made possible through participation which makes development socially open to inculturation as well as politically democratic. Sen’s capability approach is analysed to show how it helps to ground economic development in what people believe and value, thus enhancing participatory development. This is achieved by looking at three aspects of the capability approach, namely: the definition of capability as the freedom of people to lead the kind of lives they value and have reason to value; the fact that the capability approach makes people agents and not patients of their own development; and, finally, the definition of development as the expansion of people’s freedoms (or people’s capability)
Bahasa : Bahasa Inggris
ISBN / ISSN : 978-2-88931-110-1
Edisi : -
Kategori : Geografi & Sejarah